3 Signs It's Time to Fire a Client

Dog walkers tend to be very compassionate folks, so letting go of a dog they love can be tough, even if the owner is a nightmare. Getting clients also takes a lot of time and effort, so holding on to them makes sense. Plus letting a client go means a pay cut for you, sometimes a significant one. But sometimes cutting ties with a client is necessary. Here are some signs it’s time to cut the cord.
#1 They are Constantly Complaining
Complainers aren’t fun to work with, and if a client isn’t satisfied with your service, perhaps it’s not the best fit. If the complaints are unwarranted or are due to set policies or limitations on your part, the client will be better served elsewhere and you can focus on getting a client who will be more than happy with your service.
#2 You Dread Walking Their Dog
If you find yourself dreading days when you walk a particular dog, or rejoicing on days when you don’t have a dog on your schedule, it might be time to let the dog go from your schedule.
#3 Their Dog is a Liability
If you’re worried about your safety or the safety of others around you, it’s definitely time to stop service. Don’t keep a dog on that you can’t safely manage. If the dog causes an issue it can mean liability for you or the owner, as well as a very stressful situation that could have been prevented.