4 Ways to Market your Dog Walking Business

Need more dog walking clients? Here are 4 ways to market your dog walking business so you can get new dogs to walk. Remember, marketing is a long game. Consistency is key. 

#1 Identify your Ideal Client

If you don’t know who you’re marketing to, you end up with a generic message that won’t set you apart from competitors. Who is your ideal client? Where are they? How can you reach them? Once you’ve narrowed down who you’re marketing to, it’s much easier to craft your marketing message. I’ve created a worksheet to help guide you! Download it at the end of this post. 

#2 Sell the Benefits First

Take a look at your current marketing message. Do you list your services on your website but not the benefits? Potential clients need to know what services you offer, but first tell them all the ways your service will help solve their problem. In this week’s download I’ll help you identify what problems your ideal client has so you can sell those benefits. 

#3 Build an Email List

Building an email list of potential clients allows you to remind them that you exist. That way when they decide to hire a dog walker, they'll contact you since you’re in the forefront of their mind. Just be sure to email regularly so they don’t forget who you are. Monthly is great if you can swing it. 

If writing in not your forte, regular social media posts can have a similar effect. However…email addresses are gold compared to social media. Why? Because you have much less control over social media. Facebook and Instagram for example, won’t show your posts to the bulk of your followers. So it's worth the effort to have an email list and use it. 

#4 Connect with Others in the Industry

This is so very important, do not overlook it. People want to refer people they know, like & trust. That means you need to get to know other pet professionals, not just drop by and leave some business cards. Take the time to connect with others so you can build a relationship that is mutually beneficial. I get a lot of referrals from trainers, and I refer to other walkers often since my pack is currently full. If you don’t know other pet pros, chances are you’re missing out on a lot of referrals. Take the time to build relationships with others so you can help each other out.