5 Essentials for a Dynamic Website

Your website is often the first impression visitors have of your dog walking business, so it's an important that it stands out. Here are 5 tips to convert website visitors into clients.

#1 Tell Them How You Can Help

Instead of just telling site visitors what you do, be sure to tell them how your service helps them. What problem do you solve for your clients? For example, instead of saying “We love dogs and our walks are 60 minutes long” you could say: Have an energetic dog that gets into mischief while you’re at work? Our hour-long walks will tucker him out so he will be better behaved.” You're still letting them know the service offered, but you're also clearly communicating how the service will help them. 

#2 Have a CTA on Every Page

A CTA or “Call to Action” guides visitors to take the next step. For example, having a button that says “get started” or “contact us” helps the visitor easily click instead of hunting around your page for contact info.

#3 Include Reviews

Positive words from your previous clients go a long way in converting site visitors to paying customers. Include them on your most frequently visited pages (such as your homepage, about and services pages). 

#4 Include Your Photo 

Make sure you include a good photo of yourself that shows your face (no sunglasses). Don’t use a photo from your wedding or your graduation where you’re in a wedding dress or cap and gown— put in the effort to get an image specifically for your site. 

#5 Use High Quality Images

Great images make your site look more professional. People do judge you based on how your site looks. You can hire a professional photographer to create images for you or use stock photography. Check out Animal Haus Media which has photos from some of the best pet photographers ( full disclosure, I’m a photographer for the site). Fetch Stock is another favorite of mine, with very high quality pet images.