6 Ways to Prevent Dog Walking Burnout

#1 Set Business Hours
Set reasonable business hours and stick to them. It’s totally normal for a business to not respond to phone calls, texts and emails after closing time.
#2 Schedule Days Off
Work with no days off and you’re on your way to burning out. Dog walking is a physically demanding job, and your body needs rest.
#3 Block off Down Time
If you tend to be a workaholic like me, you might find yourself working on admin tasks, updating your website, working on marketing and more when you’re supposed to be “off”. Block off time each day for things like working out, chilling and watching TV or reading a book, enjoying your favorite hobbies, and spending quality time with friends and family.
#4 Take Vacations
Yes, you can take vacations! Even if you’re a soloprenuer like me. I plan my vacations well in advance and give my clients plenty of notice so they can make other arrangements. To make it easier I take my vacations around major holidays when many of my clients also go on vacation.
#5 Learn to Say No
It can be hard to say no when someone asks you to make an exception and work on your day off, take on a client outside your service area, or otherwise impede on your down time. Don’t feel bad about saying no when needed, you can’t take on too much at the expense of your mental and physical health. This doesn’t mean you can’t help a client out in a pinch, but don’t make it a regular thing.
#6 Self Care
Take some time each day for self care. Do some yoga, write in a journal, reward yourself on occasion with a massage— what ever helps you relax and recharge. These things may seem unimportant, but feeling refreshed and alert rather than slogging through your day makes a big difference in both your job performance and your mental health.
Jump-Start Your Business
Grab the free Dog Walker's Guide to a Profitable Business: 10 Tips to Attract your Ideal Client and Avoid Burnout to get your business on track.