How to Compete With On Demand Dog Walking Apps: Part 1

As a small dog walking business, how can you keep up with on demand dog walking apps? With huge advertising budgets, they often come up first in online searches, have commercials on tv and get constant word-of-mouth. They have fancy software so clients can track their dog’s walks and often undercut what you need to charge to be profitable. What’s a small business owner to do? 

Here’s the Big Secret 

The big secret is to differentiate yourself so you aren't directly competing with these apps. You need to be smart about your service, branding and pricing so you attract clients who value what you offer. That way you won’t be compared with an app in the first place! Here are steps you can take so you don’t need to stress about on demand dog walking apps. 

#1 Provide More

Several months ago I had a client who was using Wag! set up a meet & greet with me because the 60 minute, on-leash walks weren’t cutting it for her energetic doodle. She’d done a search online and found my dog hiking company. Because my website touts all the benefits of my off-leash hikes, she was interested in trying out my service a couple days a week. A month later, she was so pleased that she upped her dog’s hikes with me to 3 times per week, and stopped using Wag!. 

Because I’m offering a service that’s above and beyond the one she was using, she saw the value in that (and was willing to pay more too). Think about what you can do to make your service better than an on demand dog walking app. It may be as simple as walking groups of compatible dogs, offering off-leash, doing longer, more strenuous hikes or running instead of walking. 

#2 Professional Experience

Even if you are offering the same service you can still provide more. That may mean telling potential clients about your expertise and experience and how it is beneficial to them. You can also play up the fact that you are invested in dog walking as a career long term and that means consistent care for their dog. And make sure your marketing message is clear in educating your potential clients too. 

#3 Market to Your Ideal Client

Your ideal client shouldn't be someone who uses an on demand app. So you need to define exactly who your ideal client is and adjust your marketing message to attract them. Pet parents who are discerning about who cares for their dog won’t be looking to get a dog walker on an app. They want someone with credentials, who comes recommended by someone they know and who can provide the best care for their dog. They’ve heard the bad press about on demand dog walking apps and want someone they can trust. They want someone like you! So you need to make sure you are attracting those clients so they can find and hire you. Get the Ideal Client Worksheet below and get started!

Stayed tuned next week when we'll dig deeper on how to compete with walking apps.