Keeping Up With the Competition

Last week I asked my Instagram followers to chime in with some struggles they are dealing with in their businesses, and today I’m addressing one of those struggles — comparing yourself to other business and feeling like you’re not as successful. 

Success Doesn’t Come Overnight

Building a business from the ground up is a giant task, and it takes time. My business has evolved by leaps and bounds since I began in 2006. This took time and lots of experimenting to get it right.  I spent over a decade practicing and tweaking every aspect of my business.

What Successful Dog Walkers Do

  • They’ve spent a ton of time building their business and it took a while for them to get where they are now. 

  • They’ve worked hard on marketing their business, and have been very consistent with the methods that work. They prioritize marketing and have crafted a solid message that appeals to their ideal client. 

  • They have connections. Making professional connections can give your business a big boost. Successful dog walkers have contacts who refer their services. They spend time building relationships and continue to foster those relationships long term.

  • They have invested money in areas that are important. Successful walkers know that investing in areas that will help build their business is essential. 

  • They’re always learning. Whether it’s brushing up on the latest in dog behavior management or how to effectively market their business, these walkers are constantly soaking up new knowledge to implement in their dog walking service.

If your business is up and running, you have lot to be proud of already. Don’t overlook the success you’ve worked so hard to achieve! Most people never find the courage to start their own business, so celebrate your bravery. You’ve already proved that you're willing to put in a ton of hard work and take a leap of faith that you’ll be able to support yourself. Give yourself some credit! 

Let’s Get You There

If there are areas of you business that need improvement, pinpoint what the struggles are and make a plan to tackle them. Take look at the list above. Are you doing all those things already? Pinpoint the areas that could use improvement. Set specific goals, then take small steps to achieve them. 

When you look at your competition keep in mind that they have worked very hard to get to where they are now. It takes time and a lot of hard work, and you’ll get there if you’re willing to keep working towards your goal.