COVID-19: Pivot Your Dog Walking Meet & Greets to Comply with Social Distancing Protocols
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Amidst a global coronavirus pandemic dog walkersĀ have had to implement new safety measures. Part of ...
COVID-19: 11 Safety Measures for Professional Dog Walkers During the Coronavirus Pandemic
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If you're in an area where professional dog walking is allowed, you're probably wonderingĀ how you ca...
Coronavirus: What Dog Walkers Need to Know
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Let's be real...the media has taken the coronavirus to a level of panic that's more than a little cr...
5 Ways to Avoid Dog Walking Catastrophes
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#1Ā Stay Alert
Prevent injuries and emergencies by staying alert, scanning your environment for h...
5 Safety Essentials for Dog Walkers
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The list of safety precautions in dog walking is so long I could write an entire book about it, but ...